Friday, January 9, 2015

New Year's Resolutions off to a Rough Start....

So one of my New Year's Resolutions was to do the 52 weeks to an organized homeschool.

The first week was daily devotions and I thought easy enough, get everyone to daily mass. Its a nice start to our day, makes sure everyone is up, dressed, and ready for the day.

And then life hit.......

My husband's grandmother passed away so what was suppose to be our first day back from Christmas break, we sat in a Lutheran Church at a funeral. Then drove 6 hours home so Tuesday we were physically and emotionally drained (which means no school happened). The weekend I was going to spend prepping for the upcoming semester was lost in preparing to attend the funeral and traveling.

I did have the pie in the sky dream we would be able to take school work with us and would be able to attend mass. However, the small town my husband's grandmother lived in did not have daily mass. The math I brought went untouched ( I know you are you as surprised as I am - inserting  sarcasm) and the -45 wind chills made playing outside (burning off all that energy!) not possible. It was a difficult couple of days to say the least.

 However we did listen to two audio books and my kids did a lot of reading during the down time (I've got a take a win where I can get it!).

Then Wednesday and Thursday came with continued unsafe windchills which I wasn't going to take the kids out in. So I came to the realization while I love the idea of taking the kids to daily mass for a daily devotion it isn't going to happen as planned.

So instead I order Saints for Young Readers Vol. 1

The new goal is to ead out of that every morning. If we can safely make it to mass, GREAT but if not we will have some devotion ready for the start of our day. At least its a plan in place!

Amazon Link to the book -

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